Site Map | Privacy Policy | Facebook | X | Instagram | Pinterest | YouTubeOur obsession has been diagnosed!! - Tactile Textile Disorder (TTD): A little known syndrome characterized by the uncontrollable urges to acquire and hoard vintage tablecloths, tea towels, hankies, and other textiles for the purpose of petting them. Left untreated, TTD leads to full blown Textilosis (our disease), an all-consuming love of vintage tablecloths and textiles. In addition to hoarding and petting, victims of textilosis display other chronic symptoms and behaviors, such as forming online support groups, writing and reading books and articles about the objects of their obsession, festooning their homes with tablecloths, spending inordinate amounts on stain removal products, openly dealing in textiles and even traveling to fraternize with other addicts under the guise of conventions. Happily, there is no cure! - By Clare Dunn
Vintage Tablecloth Lovers Club
Making the world a cozier place…one table at a time
Site Map | Privacy Policy | Facebook | X | Instagram | Pinterest | YouTubeOur obsession has been diagnosed!! - Tactile Textile Disorder (TTD): A little known syndrome characterized by the uncontrollable urges to acquire and hoard vintage tablecloths, tea towels, hankies, and other textiles for the purpose of petting them. Left untreated, TTD leads to full blown Textilosis (our disease), an all-consuming love of vintage tablecloths and textiles. In addition to hoarding and petting, victims of textilosis display other chronic symptoms and behaviors, such as forming online support groups, writing and reading books and articles about the objects of their obsession, festooning their homes with tablecloths, spending inordinate amounts on stain removal products, openly dealing in textiles and even traveling to fraternize with other addicts under the guise of conventions. Happily, there is no cure! - By Clare Dunn
Vintage Tablecloth Lovers Club
Making the world a cozier place…one table at a time